Friday, September 30, 2011

Take Your Loved One To The Doctor

Since he's been broadcast in my area, I have been listening to the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS). TJMS has declared today as  "Take Your Loved One to the Doctor Day". I am fully on board with this. It seems they started with "Take Your Man to the Doctor Day" because historically, women have a tendency to get check-ups and screenings while men, not so much. I'm not going to pull statistics because by now we have all heard that prevention and early detection are life savers. This call has expanded to all loved ones because, honestly some people just need a nudge and it's not only men. I encourage parents to ensure that your children have their yearly physicals including a visit with the ophthalmologist and semi-annual trips to the dentist. Ask that full blood work ups be performed because sometimes children don't complain, but there are issues that can be detected. If you are sexually active, get an HIV test, even if you believe you are in a monogamous relationship.

I may be a little selfish but over the past year I have spent way too much time in hospitals and nursing homes. I encourage everyone in my circle to get to the doctor and know what you are dealing with. Get the pap smears, mammograms and prostate exams. I know they are uncomfortable but they can provide you with information to help you make wise decisions about your life. Chances are you won't get to see a doctor today but call now and make an appointment. I want you all to live long and abundantly. While you are at it, consider becoming an organ donor, a blood donor, or a bone marrow donor so that you can help others achieve optimum health as well.

On that note, I'm off to make my dental appointment!

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